Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The number two official at the State Department doubles down on Obama's appeasement policy and meets with Muslim Brotherhood fanatics as part of a new "outreach program" designed to make friends with the terrorists.
ppac_jihadprotestThe State Department's number two man, Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns met with Mohamed Morsi, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Political Party that stands to rule nearly half of Egypt's new parliament.
In an unbelievable display of willful ignorance, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland commented on the meeting by saying that the State Department expects that the Muslim Brotherhood will "support human rights, tolerance, rights of women and will also uphold Egypt's existing international obligations" as the Brotherhood seals its leadership position within the new Egyptian government.

The idea that the Muslim Brotherhood would support any semblance of human rights is simply preposterous. These are the people who historically have chopped the arms off petty thieves, slaughtered Christians, and relegate women to a rank lower than dogs. Under their recently acquired reign in Turkey, the murder rate against women has increased an appalling 1,400%.
ppac_shariah justiceLong time students of Middle Eastern activity report that the Iranian Islamic fanaticism witnessed in the late 1970's pales in comparison to what is currently happening in the streets of Cairo. But, like his hapless predecessor Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama has chosen to ignore history, factual evidence, and the clear and present danger posed by radical Islam and instead seeks to appease the terrorists with an "outreach program."
Such appeasement has never produced anything but failure. The last time we went down this road the Islamists responded to Carter's appeasement policies by holding 52 Americans hostage for over a year.
Let's face it America, we need another Ronald Reagan to ride in like John Wayne and keep America safe. Barack Obama is clearly not up to the job. But with a fundraising goal of $1 billion dollars and the assistance of globalists like George Soros, we are going to need to fight much harder than we had to fight Jimmy Carter.
Barack Hussein Obama's support for "Arab Spring" revolutions has enabled Muslim leaders to declare Egypt the "New Islamic Caliphate" that will usher in worldwide Shariah rule.
ppac_protesterarrestedBarack Obama's open support of the Middle Eastern revolutions has opened the door for hard line Muslim radicals to take governmental control all across this vital region, and promises to make the New Year an exercise of conflict and strife against those who would kill stability and stifle freedom. In Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood is the more moderate of political parties, the ultra-extremist Salafi preachers are seizing power and insisting that Egypt be positioned as the seat of the new global Caliphate that will force Shariah Law upon the entire world. And by force, we mean FORCE.
Just as the world had begun to forget the shocking abuse of numerous female foreign correspondents, like CBS reporter Lara Logan, who were assigned to cover the Egyptian revolution but instead suffered brutal sexual and physical assaults by radical, Western Civilization-hating, Islamist mobs, this week pictures emerged of Egyptian soldiers viciously abusing, beating and stomping women who were not dressed in proper Muslim attire.
Meanwhile, Egyptian Coptic Christians are being forced to "convert or die" – resulting in tens of thousands fleeing their homes in fear for their lives.
ppac_shariahworldsignNow, with Egyptian elections underway with notable violence, it appears there are no moderates successfully running for Egyptian parliament. Of the many factions in contention, the secularists and pro-democracy elements are gone, having been viciously suppressed, and the Muslim Brotherhood is widely viewed to be the most moderate. In any nation where "the moderates" are the same folks who behead infidels and bomb America's World Trade Center, one can only expect bloody, barbarous outcomes.
"Our goal is to achieve an Islamic Caliphate with Islamic Shariah rules," said extremist preacher Mohamed Zoghbi, one of countless puritanical Salafis who are dominating parliamentary elections.
"If Egypt becomes a Caliphate, then the Middle East and Arab countries will follow our path. All Muslim youth should strive and die to build this Caliphate even over their own bodies."
Nationwide, radical sectarianism is intensifying and the patriotic veneer that unified Egyptians in overthrowing longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak is threatened by such ultraconservative Muslim "holy men," whose divisive voices had been suppressed by the state for decades.
ppac_supportshariahinterviewAnother Egyptian cleric, Salem Abu al-Futuh, has peppered Egyptian airways with promises that when Egypt becomes the Caliphate, Allah "will destroy the West at the hands of the Muslims," first in Italy, then Europe and then America. His diatribes against the infidels of Western Civilization, and assurances of our destruction, are now an Internet phenomenon.
The increase in bloodshed, death and guarantees of ongoing brutality at the hands of radical Muslims, and the intensification of Middle Eastern Islamists' violent crusade to achieve a global Caliphate are a direct result of Barack Obama's disastrous appeasement policies. And now those same policies are supporting the inception of a new worldwide Caliphate in Egypt to export and enforce Shariah Law in the four corners of the earth. It seems there is no longer any question….
Why is it that every single time Barack Obama intervenes in Middle Eastern affairs the net result is barbaric violence, Islamic extremism and the implementation of Shariah Law?
Muslim Protesters
  • Obama Invades Libya: Victorious Libyan Rebels implementing Shariah Law
  • Obama Backs Egyptian Rebels: New Egyptian "Constitution" based on Shariah Law
  • Obama Supports Tunisian Rebels: New Tunisian justice system entirely based on Shariah Law
  • Obama Supports Palestinian State: PLO/HAMAS demand statehood based on Shariah Law
  • Obama Abandons Iraq: Leaving the young government with no protection from Hezbollah and extremist advocacy of Shariah Law
American foreign policy has always sought to foster freedom in the world. Yet Barack Obama's foreign policy continues to result in the implementation of Shariah Law – the absolute antithesis of freedom. Consider this, under Shariah Law:
Shariah punishment
  • "Infidel" and anyone critical of Islam or Muhammad must be killed
  • "Apostates" – anyone who leaves Islam – must be killed
  • "Adulterers" – including innocent victims of rape or even simply a woman who so much as looks at another man – be stoned to death
  • Husbands encouraged to beat their wives
  • Men encouraged to marry children as young as a few years old
  • Bloody "eye for an eye" style revenge, rather than justice, advocated
  • The legal system implements barbarian punishments including mutilation, dismemberment and even crucifixion
  • Total subjugation or annihilation of all religions other than Islam must be the goal of every Muslim citizen
Certainly, America should be decrying any foreign legal code that includes even one of the above elements. Yet Barack Obama continues to support Shariah-loving regimes that are marching across the Middle East focused on world domination.
America deserves and the world needs a President who understands liberty and will work to foster FREEDOM, not barbaric medieval so-called legal systems designed for world domination. As my mentor and friend President Ronald Regan said,
"America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."
I believe this it true, and is America's destiny. I beg of you, as we leave behind the old and enter the New Year, please give Patriot PAC the resources we need to AWAKEN AMERICA to the threat we face, at home and abroad, from this Shariah-sympathetic occupant of the Oval Office. We can once again be the beacon of freedom, if only we reclaim our destiny of liberty. Join me in the campaign to defeat Barack Obama. Let's get America's Beacon Light Shining Again!

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