Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Writing by Donald Hank

I have a theory about all this madness (see videos linked below).
Clearly we have indirectly supported Al Qaeda by supporting the overthrow of Mubarak (and Ghadaffi).
Clearly, Mubarak was no threat to the US. Neither was Ghadaffi. The only legitimate war is one waged against a real enemy that threatens your country.
You may buy into the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war.
But the US military does not buy into this needless bloodshed, as evidenced by the fact that they support Ron Paul more than any other candidate, by far. They want it over. And who are we to sit here in comfort and tell them they must persist in their mired down efforts?
Now, we know that there are Americans, like Obama and hordes like him, who do not want the US to be too strong. They say they want us "more humble." This in itself is not the problem. The problem is wanting us on the trash heap of history. Soros, Alinsky, Obama's legion Marxist/Maoist friends like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn are no patriots, quite the opposite. Anyone who thinks Obama differs significantly with them on foreign policy is brain dead.
So what if the strategy of the America haters in government is to prove to young men that volunteering in the US military is a losing proposition?
For example, thousands of men enlisted first and only then found that don't ask don't tell is abolished, at least de facto. No one is enforcing it.
So you now face the prospect of being propositioned by a bunk mate, and there is nothing you can do about it. Except not re-enlist.
Then you watch as war after war goes badly. Iraq and Afghanistan were mired down and hopeless. Iraq is about to lapse into some degree of chaos. Almost all of the Assyrian Christians are gone and the few remaining are in a precarious situation, fearful for their lives.
The Chinese military buildup proceeds apace with dollars supplied by a suicidal US foreign and business policy. China can soon assume control of the seas in vast areas once controlled by the US. Some of our enemies have anti-ship missiles that can knock out anything we have afloat.
Military men get in trouble for not abiding by increasingly absurd rules of engagement. Some are jailed.
No one understands why we are in the Middle East and everyone is scared of what tomorrow will bring.
Now just suppose we do eventually have to defend ourselves, I mean OURSELVES, not some other country where we dream of introducing "democracy" to people whose religion forbids the practice of anything resembling Western democracy and where most people hate the thought of it.
What if we really have to get down to business after 50 years of mucking around in other people's business and losing wars?
You know the story of the boy who cried wolf one too many times.
What if the will of Americans to defend themselves is thoroughly undermined to the point almost no one but the most foolhardy will sign up?
Isn't that what the Ron Paul craze is in fact about?
Frankly, I can't blame young men from not wanting to be recruited to risk their lives on foreign shores to settle differences between one Islamist group and another. The stage has been set for Ron Paul to offer "friendship" to a nuclear Iran.
Who is to blame for the Ron Paul phenomenon but the neocons who undermined the entire ethic and moral of the military?
But now what?
Do we have a candidate who embodies both requisites:
1--a commitment to proper and Constitutional use of our military only for self defense?
2--a commitment to keeping America strong without offering "friendship" to enemies who already consider us weak?
We need to put some really tough questions to our candidates, and I don't see it happening.
Don Hank

Don- I have discovered these videos of a cause near and dear to your heart (at least the second and third) on Coptic Christians. Videos, evidently, Ron Paul has not seen. It has given me pause regarding my choice for president and I am now reconsidering
(with heartfelt prayer) my previous leanings.

This is a 2009 video, while Mubarak was still in control.

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