Saturday, December 3, 2011


We Are Watching You On Illegal Immigration
Do you think the United States needs to "get soft" on the hundreds of thousands of illegals whoCRIMINALLY sneak across our borders every year to take advantage of Obama's generous taxpayer-funded nanny state?
Do you think the United States should be more "compassionate" towards illegals who cross our borders and commit HEINOUS CRIMES against American citizens and their private property?
Do you think it's fair that some states give taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens, while DEPRIVING American students of the same privileges?

I'm betting you'd rather slam your head into a brick wall than see our great country further engulfed by a tsunami of illegal aliens all too willing to thumb their noses at our nation's laws to hop on board Obama's taxpayer-funded government gravy train, steal American jobs and even put your family at risk for violent crimes.
Yet, when it comes to securing our nation's borders, Barack Obama and even some of the so-called Republican "front-runner" candidates for President continue to defy the will of the American people... Under the bogus guise of "humanity" and "compassion," their answer to all of the questions above is a definitive "YES!"
Believe me, you aren't the only American who feels this way. Principled conservatives across America do not support these outrageous ideas. We will not bow down to the every wish and whim of a group of people who committed a CRIME to illegally come to our country, then feel entitled to American citizenship and a spot at the front of the line to feed off the government trough.
It's Sickening!
I'm sure you're aware that our Dictator-In-Chief has ruthlessly undermined the Constitution and bypassed Congress to effectively grant amnesty to over 300,000 illegal aliens by executive fiat. With Barack Obama pursuing a policy of full-blown amnesty and some GOP Presidential candidates adopting Obama's Amnesty rhetoric, it's time we make our voices heard, once again - before it's too late.
What we want is simple: 1) Get rid of Obama's amnesty for illegals scheme, and 2) Secure our borders, including complete and full enforcement of our nation's immigration laws.
2012 is right around the corner and it's imperative that the presidential candidates and Congress know how the American people will vote. Flip-flopping, wishy-washy and weak immigration policies aren't going to cut it in 2012.
This is one of the most important elections of our lifetimes. Let's turn up the heat and tell Congress and all the presidential candidates: IT'S TIME TO GET TOUGH ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. YOU WILL GET MY VOTE ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO PROPOSE A STRICT NO-NONSENSE PLAN TO SECURE THE BORDERS AND STOP THE ILLEGAL INVASION!
If we don't take action now, here is what could happen if we don't secure our borders and stop the onslaught of illegal aliens....
  • Much-needed American jobs will continue to DISAPPEAR and wages for many jobs will remain artificially low, catapulting our fragile economy into a full-blown Depression.
  • Our already sky high deficit will astronomically increase to the point when the government can no longer make payments on of its IOUs.
  • Hardworking American citizens will be forced to cough over more money to Uncle Sam to fund nanny state programs for illegals while they struggle to put food on the table.
  • Even more violent criminals, thugs and drug dealers will take full advantage of the fact that most cities and towns are cutting their police force numbers due to budget restrictions.
  • Significant strain will further be put on our public school systems. Hiring teachers to instruct illegals who refuse to learn English is pricey, and we can be sure the schools will demand more revenue to pay for these preferential programs.
Honest And Legal Americans Could Soon Become Second Class Citizens!
Our jobs, our pocketbooks, our safety and our children's future are on the line. If you think it's hard to pay your mortgage now, just wait until your taxes skyrocket to fund food, shelter and schooling opportunities for illegal aliens. If you're worried about your children going to college now, just wait until state colleges across the country are saturated with illegals because they get generous tuition tax breaks.
Be sure to MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TODAY! Thank you!

Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella
Center for Individual Freedom
Center for Individual Freedom
917-B King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

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