Monday, October 17, 2011


Protesters Are Being Duped by Obama
By Lee S Gliddon Jr

Obama, in a sly manner, is knowingly 'egging on' the protesters in his zeal to take control of America. He sees himself as the 'only worthy leader' to decide what Americans need and will get! His, 'share the wealth' policies apply only to others with money and not himself or his cronies.

With false claims of, "The rich are not paying their 'fair share' and must be taxed at higher rates," and, "We must see that it is the Republicans protecting big business that is causing this economic mess," he urges more revolution of the politically uneducated.

Obama continues his rant as he makes claim that, "Republicans want to allow Wall Street to establish regulations," and, "Republicans do not want to see America employed."

The man is not only a liar, but he is a dangerous liar out for one thing. That thing is. 'Obama wants to be seen as the sole power of political America.' He will say and do anything to  further that goal and the sooner you believe it the better!

Republicans are for reasonable regulations on banks and businesses. They are not for 'job killing, energy reduction, and freedom robbing regulations.' Republicans want clean water, clean air, full employment and a strong defense. Republicans are for personal responsibility and for those who able to work to do just that.

Obama would have his supporters think Republicans are heartless and deny welfare and healthcare to those in need. Nothing could be further from the truth than Obama continuous  rants and lies replete with tales of woe which he sells as truth which, if researched, are lies of monumental proportions.

Obama has begun a dangerous stage is his lust for power. He is seeding the ranks of the Protesters with Union thugs and malcontents that, are easily bought, to spread his untruths and distortions of facts to disrupt our largest cities. He is utilizing his minions to mimic has lies and make up a few of their own so long as he sees them first and approves them!

Obama know that it was a few greedy politicians that created the foreclosure crisis. As a sad fact he is demanding the banks continue lending money to minorities for home loans that they still cannot qualify for! These are the same banks that the Protesters are now protesting against! Is that stupid or what?(cagey)If Congress or the Obama Administration does not know how to solve this foreclosure problem then it is time to call in the professionals who do know how.

As if using the Protesters were not enough Obama is instilling race as an issue. No, not the Blacks, but this time it is the Jews that are being targeted. You can bet this is partial retaliation for the loss of the Congressional seat once held by Wiener. It was the Jewish vote that got a Republican in office.

The Protesters complain about many things. More, 'share the wealth,' and 'down with capitalism.' Look closely and see what is really being said. What is being said is, "we do not want to work for a living," and "we want a government that is making all decisions for us."

This is falling in line with what Obama wants. Look at his, 'so-called," Jobs Bill. This Bill creates  teaching jobs for one year. Then the Bill creates more stimulus type spending that did not work the first time and will not work now. It creates bigger government as well as more governmental control.

Obama says, "Republicans have not put up a viable Bill as it does not guarantee the number of jobs it will create.

The government does not create any jobs! With this being true, any number of jobs set forth would be like Obama's projections. MORE LIES!

Look at common-sense. If needless regulations were eradicated, the tax made affordable, energy production increased, and affordable insurance made available employment would BOOM!

We have, right here in America, sufficient oil and gas reserves to supply the entire world for years upon years.  We have the know how to refine the ores we currently send abroad for refining here at home.

But, Obama wants to gain reelection as he uses the Protesters for his own aggrandizement. Why? Because he would be king!

Let's cut him off 'at the pass.' Protesters, GO HOME. What you are asking for YOU DO NOT WANT!

There is NO FREE LUNCH and is there were, Obama would be the first to impose a tax on it!

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