Friday, September 23, 2011


"The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like
Solyndra" - President Obama, 2010

Solyndra is "exactly what the Recovery Act is all about"
- Vice President Joe Biden, 2009

"Green" jobs are a green bust!

President Obama wasted more than half a billion of YOUR taxpayer dollars on a politically motivated handout to a now bankrupt company.

And this isn't the first time!

Evergreen Solar, Inc., received $5.3 million thanks to the first stimulus and went bankrupt just a few weeks before Solyndra. And SpectraWatt received $500,000, and also went bankrupt. 

Notice a pattern?

Alternative energy is not a viable business at this time, especially in America. But President Obama has declared "green" jobs the jobs of the future, and refuses to back down from his belief that these are the only jobs worth creating.

He's lost a total of $540.8 MILLION of your HARD EARNED CASH, yet he's about to double down!

The Department of Energy has allowed a new, $1.2 BILLION, loan for a massive new solar panel project in California. The loan is more than double those three previous failed loans combined. When will this administration learn that they're not picking winners and losers, they're just picking losers. Winning companies don't need the government to prop them up.

CLICK HERE to DEMAND that Congress pull the plug on all "green" jobs loans until they can be properly investigated. Taxpayer dollars should not be going to industries that are not viable financially. It's a risk we're not willing to take and a risk the administration has no right to put us in.

The FBI raided Solyndra, believing that the company misled the government in order to receive their loan.

How many more Solyndras are out there?

The loan to Solyndra was put on a fast-track approval process. One of Solyndras largest investor was a huge donor to President Obama. How many of the other solar loans have been given to President Obama's donors?

How can we feel safe as taxpayers if we know that our President is giving our money away to companies just because they donated to him?

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) repeatedly warned the administration that the Solyndra loan was too risky.

PricewaterhouseCoopers said there was "substantial doubt" about Solyndra's viability. Yet our government gave them money anyway.

The loan was supposed to create over 1,000 new jobs in a new facility, but according to employees at Solyndra, "everyone knew that the plant wouldn't work."

The business model for Solyndra was a belief that they could make a product for $6 and sell it for $3 (obviously not that cheap, but you get the idea.)

I'm not an economist but that doesn't sound like a winning strategy to me, how about you?

CLICK HERE to DEMAND that Congress pull the plug on all "green" jobs loans until they can be properly investigated. Taxpayer dollars should not be going to industries that are not viable financially. It's a risk we're not willing to take and a risk the administration has no right to put us in.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) says the Obama Administration didn't do their due diligence in researching Solyndra before the loan went out.

They clearly didn't properly research Evergreen Solar or SpectraWatt either.

That's because President Obama has hinged his entire Presidency on the viability of "green" jobs. It's all he proposes; it's why he wants to raise your taxes. He believes that the only jobs in the future are "green" jobs.

His first stimulus gave handouts to companies involved in "green" energy industries. All that construction money that was given out? It was mostly to make towns and buildings more energy-efficient or "green."

His second stimulus is also all about "green" jobs. If you listened to his speech, you'd noticed that he never once said the word "green." Why would he? With Solyndra collapsing and demand for solar panels steadily low, it's not a great confidence booster.

But that is what his jobs plan is all about.

Most of the money in his new stimulus will again go to construction and "modernization" aka "green" jobs. Specifically his plan to renovate schools with energy-efficient upgrades.

Why should taxpayers be throwing even more money at an industry that is clearly not a winner?

The "green" industry is not worthy of taxpayer dollars. There's no demand. Solar panels are expensive and takedecades to pay for themselves. There's no point in the government being involved. Things like this happen.

CLICK HERE to DEMAND that Congress pull the plug on all "green" jobs loans until they can be properly investigated. Taxpayer dollars should not be going to industries that are not viable financially. It's a risk we're not willing to take and a risk the administration has no right to put us in.

Thanks to President Obama's "green" jobs loans, one new permanent job has been created for every $5.5 millionspent. Is that money well spent?

Now he has a plan out to tax you and your family, actual job creators and the wealthy even more to pay for what? More "green" loans?

Americans can't afford that. The industry is a bust and continuing to give handouts to companies that can't survive without them is a waste of taxpayer dollars and an insult to every American who pays taxes.

Our money is being squandered and President Obama has no plans to stop.

We cannot let this man continue to give failing companies handouts while American spirals towards bankruptcy. We need to stop these loans since apparently President Obama will not. Please Fax every Member of Congress nowand tell them to stop these loans from going out!


Conservative Action Alerts

P. S. President Obama has unveiled a new jobs plan and debt reduction plan with one goal in mind: raise your taxes in order to spend more on "green" energy. Please 
CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of the U.S. Congress to tell them that "green" jobs are a waste of money and to look for REAL growth policies! 

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