Monday, September 12, 2011


Dear Patriot,
obama-jobs-speech-to-congress.jpgCongressional Republicans and the nation suffered through yet another command performance with Barack Obama and his teleprompter Thursday night – recycling the same "jobs" speech nostrums he gave in January of 2011, in January of 2010 and in February of 2009.
The half trillion dollars of deficit spending Obama proposes to waste buying votes now will NOT WORK. It will FAIL to produce jobs, just as all his trillions in other "stimulus" spending FAILED to "jumpstart" our collapsing economy.

The United States is losing jobs precisely because of the policies Obama has implemented – yet there he was yelling at Congress, demanding more of the same. Obama's huge government agenda of deficit spending, socialist redistribution of wealth, confiscation of assets, excessive taxation, and bureaucratic over-regulation are killing the American economy. They are sapping American fiscal vitality. They are undermining the American liberty and freedom of action absolutely essential to a thriving commercial republic.
This is NOT a jobs plan. This is simply Socialism. We the People will NOT surrender to Obama's $447 billion big-government "stimulus" demand. The only way to create new jobs for the 14 million Americans who are out of work is to unleash the engine of free enterprise, pare back intrusive and restrictive big government and let the private sector perform.
The federal government must cut spending, hold the line on taxes, roll back burdensome regulations, work with Congress for entitlement reform, frame fair-trade agreements and unleash domestic production of more energy.
Reducing regulatory burdens on business and industry will be key to the Republicans' plan this fall to boost the economy. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R.-Tex.) has said that easing those restraints will protect especially small businesses from continued rising costs that otherwise force them to lay off more workers or close their doors.
According to The Heritage Foundation, Obama imposed 75 major regulations that cost the private sector more than $40 billion in his first two years in office.
The U.S. jobs deficit under Obama's tenure in office is now well over 7 million jobs, and the national debt has increased by $4 trillion.
Conservative Republicans say they are concerned that the President's only plan is continued spending and increasing the debt, without specifics on how this will be paid for. What is clear is that Obama will shift funding responsibility to the new so-called congressional "Super Committee" already tasked with finding trillions of dollars in spending cuts – and the Republican establishment will play along.
We know that the GOP "leadership" of Boehner and Cantor in the House and McConnell in the Senate pushed the unconstitutional "Super Committee" as a means to duck fiscal responsibility and real spending austerity themselves, as the country heads over the debt cliff. This whole situation smacks of a shell game.
Certainly, the last thing the country can afford in the Obama jobs depression is more deficit spending that adds to the trillion-dollar debt while failing yet again to "stimulate" job creation. This Keynesian scheme historically has never succeeded, it has been a complete failure under Obama for three years – and must NOT continue. The Republican Congressional leadership must not aid or abet Obama.
For Obama to persist in pushing this agenda upon a suffering nation is the height of folly and arrogance – and the antithesis of leadership.
Let's compare and contrast the path Obama, Boehner and McConnell have chosen with true leadership.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) recently gave a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The dangers America faces today remind many of us who served with and supported Reagan of our challenges then: Soviet aggression, communist insurgencies, President Johnson's enormous government expansion, eventually followed by President Carter's economic and geopolitical incompetence.
Marco Rubio Reagan Library Speech
Rubio delivered an astute and effective speech against the Obama agenda that resonated with themes from Ronald Reagan's great 1964 speech, "A Time for Choosing." Rubio said, "Conservatism is not about leaving people behind. Conservatism is about allowing people to catch up." His most Reaganesque moment was during the Q&A, when he was asked, "If you could give the Tea Party one idea or topic for them to focus on, what would it be?" His answer was right on the mark:  "I think they are focused on it, and that's the proper role of government in America."
Ronald Reagan's "A Time for Choosing" came to define Constitutional Conservatism for a resurgent conservative movement, and should be held as presenting the standard of principle and character for all aspiring conservative leaders today, as we fight again to restore the America of the Founders.
The 1964 speech demonstrated Reagan's calm and fearless qualities of leadership, and clarity of vision for the nation. It launched the political career of the man who after first serving two terms as Governor of California, became President and led the nation. It was Reagan's deeply held convictions and certain purpose that led the free world through the demise of Soviet communism into a new era of global liberty, security and prosperity.
This is what we need today – true leadership, not teleprompter "jobs" speeches.
Keep Faith,
Lynne Roberts
Chair, American United for Freedom

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