Monday, August 15, 2011


Submitted by: Diane Ward

Dear Conservatives,
If you want the rant to continue we pay every province in Afghanistan one million dollars a year, there are 26 provinces in Kandahar alone!  This money is for restoration of streets, electric power, etc....however it has so influenced the "local" economies that if we try to "pull out" they will now collapse without continued moneys coming from us.  We have replaced their economy with our War guilt payoffs.  It's to their advantage to keep loosing a few rebels per day and keep the money coming in!  Also a 15 minute fire fight in AF now costs us 1 million dollars.  Some of the good big armaments we deploy are 300,000 a shot!  They use one in almost every skirmish.  

So of course we don't have money for decent living wages for our soldiers and their families, we're giving it all the the enemy we are fighting.  No one ever talks about those "expenses" of the war!  One battalion sent there last year in one year was in 153 armed confrontations with the Pakistanis, about 5 miles from the Pakistan border....think what that cost!  

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