Thursday, July 14, 2011


Obama is reported to have left yesterday's debt ceiling meeting after becoming agitated with VA Representative Eric Cantor.  Obama reportedly said: "Enough is enough.  This may cost me my presidency, but don't call My Bluff."  Obama committed a verbal faux pax... and stepped into a Freudian Slipper.  Obama tipped his hand.  He admitted he was bluffing.  Obama supporters might say it was a mangled metaphor, but psychologists will argue differently.
  People act and speak (unconsciously) and often reveal their secrets, and betray themselves, when under stress.  So it is here.  Obama has gone out of his way to get his way in the budget debates.  The fate of the Nation's Credit rating, economic decline, senior's social security checks, medicare and medicaid payments, are unimportant to Obama's plans; except when he can use these issues to his advantage.  Winning a political debate and retaining his ability to spend the nation into bankruptcy is his primary, and perhaps his only concern.  Obama will use any means necessary to retain the money he needs to buy votes and influence the expansion of government policy.

Now that Republicans know Obama is Bluffing, it is time they submit a budget that fully funds SSI, medicare and medicaid, troop salaries, and other payments guaranteed by the US government - that Democrats will misuse to intimidate voters and Republicans.  Submitting a budget will prove Republicans acted responsibly and did their due diligence to manage this debt crisis. 

Obama knows once he is presented with a budget like the one above, he is sunk.  This is why Obama is acting outrageously.  He is terrified he no longer has options.  He fears Republicans will paint him into a corner where he alone will bear the blame for what happens afterwards.  Sadly, we all know what is coming is another round of spending and demagogery.  Americans are no longer subject to CNN, ABC, NBC, Et Al for their news sources - as they were in 1995.  The internet, talk radio, and other information sources that do not take their walking papers from the DNC and the Obama campaign camp.  We are about to witness self destruction on a grand scale.

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