Friday, June 24, 2011


Dear friends,
National Review Online (NRO) is currently running a poll on their main page asking “Who is Right About Taxes- Tom Coburn or Grover Norquist?” I respectfully ask that you take a moment and head over to NRO to vote your preference in this poll. It should take about two minutes of your day from clicking the link to voting in the poll.You should find the poll in the center column towards the middle of the page.
While only a small online poll, it is extremely important that we push back against any ideas that might convince Democrats that conservatives are open to tax hikes. Republicans were overwhelmingly successful in the last election because they understood Americans were tired of out-of-control spending. Republicans are so strongly against tax hikes because they understand the only way to get control of government spending is to cut off access to additional revenue through tax hikes. Instead, Sen. Coburn wishes to ignore the wishes of the Tea Party and compromise with Democrats by raising your taxes.  He has openly advocated for tax hikes in recent months including voting for President Obama’s Debt Commission, which would raise taxes by over TWO TRILLION dollars in the next decade. Below you’ll find quotes from Sen. Coburn openly advocating for tax hikes:
Date: June 9
Coburn: "Do I believe we have to raise taxes to be able to get a deal to cut spending? Yeah."
 Date: June 14
Coburn: “You know, the reason I'll stand up as a conservative Republican, one of the biggest deficit hawks in Congress, and say ‘I'll negotiate on taxes’ -- because our country’s in trouble.”
Date: June 16
Coburn: “We're gonna fix the country, and some of that is gonna be revenue increases. That's the only way you're going to build a compromise and get it signed by this President.”
Date: May 29th
Coburn: “Why will I take on those that are against tax increases for Republicans?  Because it’s the right thing to do to save our country.”
Grover Norquist
Americans for Tax Reform
PS- It’s not too late to vote in this poll. Simply click here to be taken to the poll.

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