Monday, June 27, 2011


Submitted by: Donald Hank with a well thought out foreword

Go ahead and say it: Harvard "educated" economists are STUPID

There has always been much speculation about whether the elites who evoke Keynesian "solutions" to real world economic problems are deliberately trying to take down America or actually believe in the whacked-out theory of sociopath John Maynard Keynes, himself a troubled asset.
I think there is a little of both going on. I believe that the elites certainly don't want America to be prosperous. Politicians hardly dare mention the word. Since the UN's Agenda 21 of the 90s, we are being told that the earth is overpopulated. Or rather, we are told that too many humans exhaling and driving fossil-fueled cars are damaging the planet, and that we can't manufacture in America because of the CO2. Of course, it's ok to buy manufactured items from the highly polluted China because CO2 doesn't travel. It just stays in China. I guess that's what they think we will believe... Hard to say.
But on the other hand, they don’t want to ruin us in Obama's term and are trying hard to pull us out. They're like those false prophets on Mt. Carmel in Elijah's day, who tried sincerely to bring fire down from heaven by imploring Baal. They actually believed that if they prayed hard enough it would work.
Anyway, I believe that since FDR, the Left has sincerely believed in Keynesian hocus-pocus. That's right. Harvard-indoctrinated geniuses ARE stupid, and I don't understand why Americans are so hesitant to say so. That's why Bernanke is floundering around these days trying to explain the economic downturn that happened "even though" (read: because) he and his cronies fired up the printing presses and watered down the dollar after the Keynesian TARP bailouts didn’t work.
Now all we need is an Elijah.
So say it loud and clear to the next person you meet: Harvard grad economists are just plain stupid!

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