Thursday, June 23, 2011


From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center
June 23, 2011
"We're launching a new petition today demading the media Tell The Truth about the spending, borrrowing and debt crisis our nation faces.  Decisions being made in Washington today, affect generations not yet born and the American people deserve the facts from the media." -David
The liberal media are stoking the fears of the American people in the debt limit debate.  You might be thinking people are right to be afraid.  Our national debt is a threat to our security, freedom and our children’s chance at the American dream.  But that is not wSign the Petition to demand the truth on our nation's fiscal crisishat the liberal media think Americans should be afraid of. They’re pushing fear of spending cuts and NOT going deeper and deeper into the red.
In an interview with President Obama, NBC’s Ann Curry hopefully suggested that Republicans were bluffing in their calls for spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt ceiling.  She then took Obama at his word that he had already made deep spending cuts and that any further cuts would hurt seniors, veterans or bring about an end to food safety. 
Also on NBC, David Gregory wasn’t satisfied with the typical liberal media line that the slightest cut in government spending would toss the poor, elderly and infirmed on the streets to die like dogs.  He went a step further and suggested that if conservatives are successful at reining in spending, it could result in Greek-style riots in the streets.
It’s clear that the liberal media would prefer unconstrained growth in government spending, and they are willing to ignore the risks associated with it!
As network news personalities fret about the danger and cruelty of cutting government spending, our nation is heading toward a fiscal cliff.  And the liberal media are trying to convince us that we can continue on this path without repercussions … even as we witness the severe consequences of overspending by some European countries. 
But even the big-government advocates in America’s newsrooms have to know that this debt will catch up with us, don’t they?  Well, they have a plan for that – TAX HIKES! 
CBS News’ Bob Schieffer recently remarked on air that “Congress simply lacks the courage to do what everyone knows needs to be done.”  While this statement may sound far too wise to have come from a leftist like Schieffer, he was, of course talking about the need to raise taxes. 

+ + Add your voice to the call for truth
The liberal media distortions about the unconstrained growth of government are older than all of us, but rarely in our history has it been so crucial that the American people understand just what a dangerous situation we are in.  This is why the Media Research Center has launched a new petition in response to liberal media lies about our fiscal crisis that are making it worse.
We will leverage our new petition to counter these lies at every turn.   The United States will only endure if we remain true to our founding principles of a limited government that we can afford.  We must turn away from an ever-expanding government that mortgages our children’s future – no matter how much the David Gregorys, Bob Schieffers and Ann Currys complain.
After you sign our petition, forward this message to every one of your friends and family members with enough common sense to realize that these liberal lies threaten to destroy our country and rob our children of their national birthright.
Thank you for standing with us at this crucial hour,
David Martin

P.S.: Our good friends at the Family Research Council will be hosting a webinar on this topic tonight (Thursday) at 8:30pm ET. Many leading conservatives and experts will be on hand to take questions.  Click here for more information.

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