Sunday, June 12, 2011


American Conservative, 

In late May, four Muslim me were tried in London, England and were found guilty of a vicious attack against a local schoolmaster named Gary Smith who was the head of religious studies at the Central Foundation Girls' School, an academically prestigious school for girls ages 11 to 18. Mr. Smith's head was smashed by a concrete block; his face was slashed by a knife; and his body was beaten by a metal rod. THIS IS WHAT SHARIAH LAW TEACHES...AND IT IS ALREADY INSIDE THE U.S.A. 

His crime: "He's mocking Islam and he's putting doubts in people's minds. How can somebody take a job to teach Islam when they're not even a Muslim themselves?" 

Under Shariah Law, just about any words which are not in total agreement with Islam can be interpreted as blasphemy, a crime punishable by death. Obviously, the four men on trial in London were just trying to do their part in making the United Kingdom become "Shariah compliant." 

Imam Feisal Rauf, the original promoter of the Ground Zero Mosque, is currently on a national speaking tour explaining how Shariah Law leads to freedom and telling audiences that America is a "Shariah compliant state." Rauf's speech about the freedoms promised by Shariah Law is a good illustration of the strategy of "taqiyya," or LYING to further the spread of Islam. Shariah has already infiltrated some of our court systems right here in the United States of America. And we must STOP this onslaught! 

U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams (R-FL) introduced H.R. 973 which outlaws foreign law from our U.S. Court system. She had 56 co-sponsors. Why aren't more Congressmen committing to this very important bill? That's why we must fax them to let them know how patriotic Americans truly feel. It is still in the Subcommittee of the U.S. Constitution and has been since March 9th. This bill is too important to stay in a Committee for that long. Let's fax our Congressmen to raise our voice of support. 

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of our U.S. Congress to support H.R. 973, to prevent the misuse of foreign law in United States federal courts, including Shariah Law! Our inaction will permit our Justice System be penetrated by radical, foreign religious laws! 

Finally, after years of "taking it on the chin," the United Kingdom is also voting on a new Bill that was introduced in the House of Lords THIS WEEK---to outlaw Shariah Law where it conflicts with English law! 

Baroness Cox stated: "Equality under the law is a core value of British justice. My Bill seeks to stop parallel legal or 'quasi-legal' systems taking root in our nation. Cases of criminal law and family law are matters reserved for our English courts alone. 

"Through these proposals, I want to make it perfectly clear in the law that discrimination against women shall not be allowed within arbitration. I am deeply concerned about the treatment of Muslim women by Shariah Courts. We must do all that we can to make sure they are free from any coercion, intimidation or unfairness. Many women say, 'We came to this country to escape these practices only to find the situation is worse here'."

In the meantime---Egypt has just THIS WEEK legalized terrorism in its country! 

Egypt's long-banned terrorist organization, The Muslim Brotherhood, has been legally recognized as the Freedom and Justice Party, Egypt's official news agency reported last Tuesday. The announcement would allow the Shariah-Law group to run in parliamentary elections set for this September. 

The Brotherhood is considered one of Egypt's best-organized blocs following the fall of longtime President Hosni Mubarak in February. It was founded in 1928, but was outlawed since 1954. The terrorist group has said it plans to field candidates in about half of Egypt's districts. And part of your tax dollars went to support those who came against Mubarak! Yes, even a terrorist network! 

Islamic Shariah Law has crept into a few legal courts inside this great, exceptional America. And for me, and I believe you also, this is one step too far. Sure, I believe in the "freedom of religion" for all people in the United States. That's one of the cornerstones of our democracy that makes our country great. As it says at the Statue of Liberty---"Give me your tired, poor, huddled masses..." 

But when a radical religion mindset begins to interfere with our judicial system, I believe we should stand up to that and tell it like it really is. Do you agree? 

This bill would prohibit federal judges from using international law to decide any issue in a case. In addition to the radical nation-changing laws of Shariah, this bill comes against the dangerous United Nationstreaties and a growing body of international law that has been created by unelected foreign bureaucrats. These treaties and international laws would severely restrict parental rights and home school freedom if brought into United States law. We must protect the integrity of our judicial system to make sure that our courts and our judges ONLY use the U.S. Constitution and domestic law in their decisions. 

H.R. 973 would also ensure that federal judges could not look to un-ratified U.N. treaties (like the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child) and international law as precedent in their opinions. Shariah Law is trying to overtake our U.S. Judicial System and must be stopped! H.R. 973 passage will prevent foreign law in our federal court system. We must fax NOW! 

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of our U.S. Congress to support H.R. 973, to prevent the misuse of foreign law in United States federal courts, including Shariah Law! Our inaction will permit our Justice System be penetrated by radical, foreign religious laws! 

Shariah Law continues to spread its "web" inside the United States. In a recent report, "more than 80% of mosques advocate or promote violence." 

MANY mosques around the United States have been identified in a new study as "incubators" for jihadagainst America. 

"Of the 100 mosques surveyed, 51 percent had texts on-site rated as severely advocating violence; 30 percent had texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19 percent had no violent texts at all," said the survey compiled by Mordechai Kedar and David Yerushalmi and published by the Middle East Quarterly. 

In the Washington Times on Thursday, Frank Gaffney noted very seriously: "How's this for a wake-up call?" 

Among the findings in the study, "Shariah and Violence in American Mosques," by Kedar, an assistant professor at Bar Ilan University in Israel, and Yerushalmi, the general counsel for Center for Security Policy, were that:
  1. Of the 51 percent of the mosques with texts severely advocating violence, 100 percent were led by imams who recommended that worshippers study texts promoting violence.
  2. In 84.5 percent of the mosques, the imam recommended studying violence-positive texts.
  3. Mosques identified as being more Shariah-adherent, that is, their imams wore beards, the segregated men from women and the like, were more likely "to feature violence-positive texts on site."
  4. Nearly three in five of the mosques invited guest imams known to promote violent jihad.

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of our U.S. Congress to support H.R. 973, to prevent the misuse of foreign law in United States federal courts, including Shariah Law! Our inaction will permit our Justice System be penetrated by radical, foreign religious laws! 

The United States Constitution would be "NULL AND VOID," for the most part, under Shariah Law. Under Shariah Law, your personal freedoms give way to the will of Allah. That's why this law must not enter our U.S. judicial system! 

However, Shariah Law is winning the hearts and souls of many Americans. You see, our United States Judicial System is literally at stake here. Several towns in America now recognize Shariah Law. To many, this would be outright treason! 

Someday, Shariah Law may be accepted in YOUR court! Your fax is urgently needed today. 

But once Shariah INFILTRATES the judicial process in America - literally, all hell will break loose! 

We must make sure that Shariah Law is not indoctrinated into our legal system. 

Will you please help us to thwart this initial phase of attack by the Shariah Law advocates? Will you help us to sound the warning or sound the alarm? 

Please FAX your Congressman today.


Tony Adkins
Conservative Action Alerts 

Please help us to STOP SHARIAH LAW in the United States by faxing every single Member of the United States Congress so they can pass H.R. 973! Please be alert and be informed; so you guard against our country being taken over by a foreign, radical religious set of laws! 

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of our U.S. Congress to support H.R. 973, to prevent the misuse of foreign law in United States federal courts, including Shariah Law! Our inaction will permit our Justice System be penetrated by radical, foreign religious laws! 

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