Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Democrats' claim Congressman Paul Ryan's (R-WI) plan to save Medicare would "end Medicare as we know it," or simply, "kill Medicare." 

Give me a break! 

As if they had discussed their plan before Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) even proposed his budget - they attacked. They ran an attack ad showing a man representing Congressman Ryan pushing someone's grandmother off of a cliff, and claimed that is what his budget was doing. As if the Congressman created his budget plan thinking about how he could kill the elderly. 

Democrats REFUSE to offer up their own solutions to fix our country, and they vehemently attack anyone who does offer up a solution. What are we supposed to do? 

Barack Obama actually talked about this very type of demagoguery - no doubt trying to gag conservatives - a year ago when Congressman Ryan asked him a question on the issue. 

"...we're not going to be able to do anything about any of these entitlements if what we do is characterized, whatever proposals are put out there, as well, you know, that's - the other party is being irresponsible; the other party is trying to hurt our senior citizens; that the other party is doing X, Y, Z."

The President went on to say: 

"That's why I say if we're going to frame these debates in ways that allow us to solve them, then we can't start off by figuring out, A, who's to blame; B, how can we make the American people afraid of the other side. And unfortunately, that's how our politics works right now."

REALLY? How ironic! 

It's astounding at how hypocritical this administration is. Congressman Ryan's Medicare proposal didn't even have a change. Democrats were going to claim he wanted to kill the elderly or "end Medicare" no matter WHAT he proposed. 

So it's time to ask them: what is their plan? Democrats have not offered any plan to save Medicare, and from the looks of it they don't plan to. 

HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE! It's time to fax every House and Senate Democrat and ask them: what is YOUR plan to save Medicare? Because right now the program will become insolvent in the year 2024, and unless we act now, seniors will be forced to pay out-of-pocket for ALL their medical needs. Is THAT the plan? Because, democrats, that is what YOUR plan so far will do. 

The special election in New York's 26th district showed just how far liberals will go to stay in power and keep the status quo. If it were up to them, nothing would get done about entitlements and either the programs would go bankrupt or at the last second there would be the critical need for - wait for it - another bailout. 

See, if these programs are at the end of their ropes, and lives were on the line, Congress would have no choice but to immediately approve a large check to continue funding the programs. That means a hugetax increase and yes, another bailout - which Democrats have become so fond of. 

They don't have a plan for Medicare, because their plan would undoubtedly include major tax increases and cuts to defense in order to continue funding the program. That is their only idea. They honestly believe that this country would run just fine if the rich were no longer rich and we had no military. Yeah, that'll work. 

We know that they don't even want to attempt to put forth a plan. During the New York special election, then-candidate Kathy Hochul (the Democrat) told a constituent when asked about what she would do with Medicare: 

"Leave it the way it is." 

Is that REALLY the plan? 

If it is, Medicare is doomed! 

HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE! It's time to fax every House and Senate Democrat and ask them: what is YOUR plan to save Medicare? Because right now the program will become insolvent in the year 2024, and unless we act now, seniors will be forced to pay out-of-pocket for ALL their medical needs. Is THAT the plan? Because, democrats, that is what YOUR plan so far will do. 

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) posted a reaction to the current Medicare roadblock in which Congress now finds itself: 

"Maybe the Democrats' strategy to use Medicare as a political weapon will work. Maybe not offering their own plan to save Medicare will help them win seats in Congress and re-elect President Barack Obama. Maybe it is great for the Democratic Party. But it is terrible for people like my mother, and it is terrible for America. 

Medicare is going bankrupt. If something does not happen soon, in just a few years whoever is in charge in Washington will have to go to people like my mother and tell them we can no longer afford to continue providing her with the same Medicare she is used to."

Poignant words, Senator. 

America, this is what needs to happen. Democrats need to STOP THE LIES and come up with a plan, or else support the Ryan plan. Because his plan, while maybe not perfect, does save Medicare. 

Democrats claim that Obamacare was their plan. Okay, but by their own admission that only prolongs Medicare for another 12 years, instead of solving the issue. And what does Obamacare do to Medicare?
  • First off, it cuts $500 billion dollars from the program to create a new entitlement program (that ISN'T for seniors)
  • Then, it reimburses doctors less for Medicare treatments. Now think about that, if doctor's are already paying ridiculous malpractice insurance prices, HMO prices, and now it's costlier for them to treat Medicare beneficiaries, why would they want to accept Medicare patients at all?
  • And finally, Obamacare creates a panel of 15 bureaucrats that aren't elected by the people, aren't able to change any laws or regulations, and whose sole purpose is aimed at "cutting costs" involved with Medicare. Which means, THEY will decide whether a treatment is absolutely necessary, NOTyour doctor. How does this not lead to rationing?
The cuts have already happened. These provisions affect seniors CURRENTLY ON MEDICARE. 

So that's the Democrats plan. The Ryan Medicare plan, however:
  • Does NOT affect ANYONE over the age of 55. PERIOD.
  • According to the House Budget Committee, "Beginning in 2022, beneficiaries are guaranteed a choice among Medicare-approved private health options and a premium-support payment to help pay for the cost of that plan. The plans, which will also be listed on a new Medicare exchange, are required to provide coverage to any Medicare beneficiary that asks. As the Congressional Budget Office notes: ‘Plans would have to issue insurance to all people eligible for Medicare who applied'. In other words, all Medicare beneficiaries are guaranteed that a health plan will be available for them."Does that sound like "killing grandma" or "ending Medicare" as we know it? No, benefits will remain the same, or better, and no senior will be denied coverage.
  • Insurers will not be able to charge high-risk consumers exorbitant fees
  • This is the same kind of program that members of Congress enjoy
It's time that Democrats began telling the truth. It's really appalling that they are allowed to spew such lies and get away with it, and that the media is allowed to repeat those lies without any backlash. If this is the way that debate will be handled from now on, not only is Medicare doomed, but our country. 

HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE! It's time to fax every House and Senate Democrat and ask them: what is YOUR plan to save Medicare? Because right now the program will become insolvent in the year 2024, and unless we act now, seniors will be forced to pay out-of-pocket for ALL their medical needs. Is THAT the plan? Because, democrats, that is what YOUR plan so far will do. 

The partisan politics, lies and cheap shots being thrown around Washington right now are ridiculous. It is absolutely disgusting what is happening right now and it needs to change, for the sake of our country. 

Democrats cannot continue to put their own political futures above what our country needs. We need realleadership to stand above the malice and demagoguery and present a real solution. That is whatCongressman Paul Ryan has done, it's time for Democrats to step up and do the same. If they won't support Congressman Ryan's plan, then they need to produce one of their own. 

Unfortunately, it seems they won't. 

But with your help, we can hold them accountable and force them too. 


Tony Adkins
Conservative Action Alerts 

P.S. If you, your children and your grandchildren want to be able to count on health care when you reach 65, then you want to preserve and strengthen Medicare. They Ryan plan does just that. If Democrats don't like it, then they need to come up with a plan of their own and stop these baseless lies. Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Democrat in the U.S. Congress and ask them where their plan to save Medicare is! 

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