Monday, April 18, 2011


Purposeful Destruction of America's Economy
by Lee S Gliddon Jr
Everytime I listen to the radio or watch television I hear juast how smart and intellectual a man Barrack Obama is and how he is trying to save America's economy.
I have just one phrase in answer to the many pundits such as Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, Juan Williams, Bob Beckel and all the Liberals that spout praise to Obama. That phrase is, 'Bull Crap.'
The smartest investors were taken in by a con-man and lost billions (Madoff). Compared
to Obama that man is a piker, a two bit chisler.
Obama, in a cold and calculated fashion has conned some of the 'smartest' and well known political pundits. He has also conned so many in America he won the office and is now 'President' of what was the most powerful nation on earth. I use the tense 'was' as Obama has degraded America abroad and laughs about that everytime he is asked about it. As his defense mechanism Obama uses humer to disarm any situation where he has suspicion that he is close to being caught in his list of lies.
Obama has calculated just how he can sell Congress on doing his bidding. He uses time as his ally anytime he thinks things are not going his way on vote approval. "I need this passed within two weeks." Then, "We must move swiftly or lose the opportunity to fend off ...blah, blah, blah."
He takes the Congressional 'eye' off the ball by interjecting 'time' in its place making everyone think, 'It'll go my way as it is only a matter of time.'
Close to a trillion dollars was wasted on the phoniest Bill ever conceived by man. Everyone was against the Stimulus Program until, you guessed it, 'time' was interjected into the arguement. "if we don't act swiftly unemployment will increase. Act swiftly and it can be held under 8%." Sure enough, the gullible one acted "swiftly" and feigned dismay when unemployment reached 10.8%! (Government figures- reality 19%)
Next came Obamacare. Supposedly a Bill to reform health care turned into the largest Socialistic program imaginable. Where America was told, "There are 36 million people going without any health care." It mattered little that there was no report of prople dying for lack of health care, it was the constant lie that this was the case. After months of a stalemate Obama began his 'time' press. "People are dying every day this Bill sits. We must save lives now and get this passed." Sure enough a few Senators 'bought in' and joined those that knew there was no health care angle onlt a Socialistic program they had wanted for years. This program will far exceed the Stimulus Program in absolute waste.
Think of any Bill that was supposed to correct America's Economy. 'Cash for Clunkers;' 'Foreclosure Bailout;' 'Increased Unemployment Benefits;' 'Stimulus;' 'Obamacare,'and then look at the results of any!  
Not a one of them worked! In fact each can be researched and the results point to but one thing, absolute FAILURE.
Cash for Clunkers all but ruined an entire industry. Used car businesses losy heavily and have yet to recover. Foreclosue Bailout has done nothing except to take the bottom out of the housing market thereby destroyong billion in equity for the responsibe homeowners of America. Increased Unemployment Benefits had but one intent. Get productive Americans on the 'dole' and adjust them to a lesser way of life. Stimulus, a sad joke. There was so much waste, so much vote buying (for Obama), so much skulldudgery that all the money cannot and probably will never be accounted for.
Obamacare is another example of not only wasting money but is also a program that was, and is, intended to destroy the America health system and the income of Medical Persons. The pending number of Physicians waitibng for 2014 as their date of RESIGNING from the Medical Profession is enough to boggle the imagination! Health care Insurers are waiting to see just how bad the competition will be with the Federal Program before they decide what they can charge as premiums and still stay in business.
Obamacare has so may heretofore 'hidden' things in it so as to allow me to say, 'We will be learning about each when IT IS TOO LATE!' One example is a Tax on Real Estate Sales of 3.8%. This is in addition to all other Taxes and Fees that currently exist. Another example is the 'army' (yes, an armed force) deemed to be Medical as it is headed by Obama's appointed Surgeon General! That 'army' is Obama's Praetorian Guard! There's a lot more but to make you aware of everythibng would take a book length writing.
All this is and the pundits go on bragging about Obama's intelligence. You must agree...Obama is smart...but in a way that means to harm America.
Look at Cap and Trade Legislation. Pelosi rammed it through a Democrat Congress but it failed in the Senate. Obama, not to see his destruction of America'as Economy derailed, instructed the EPA to enforce his plans to stop energy production by any means they chose to utilize. This destruction is aimed at employment!
Not only are the Pundits the dupes that they are, they are falling into the trap of the Main Stream Media, who I identify as 'Obama's Harem." After all, they are in bed with him and all but on his payroll.
We hear George Bush being blamed for starting this spending spree. While Bush might have been the one to sign a Bill into law, it was Congress who PASSED that law! The same with Obnama BUT with a major difference, Where Bush was seeking to create jobs and increase the cash flow into the Federal Coffers Obama's intent is to destroy jobs and spend until there is nothing left but bankruptcy and economic collapse!
If you possess any common-sense whatever you can see what is happening and just how bad it is and how Obama continues to 'con' America. You can see our Constitution trashed by being totally disregarded. You can see Bills, passed by Congress, being ignored by the very person, Obama, who negotiated the terms!
Is the Economic destruction America is facing purposeful? You can bet it is and orchestrated by one man and on e man alone. That man is a CON ARTIST and a CHARLATAN...That man is Barrack Obama, otherwise known by honest folk as Barry Sotero!

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