Sunday, April 3, 2011


Submitted by: Tony Caputo

Obama sticks ro his lies! He claims that America has only 6% of the world's oil reserves. The trurh is the fact that America is sitting atop the most oil of anywhere in the entire world!

If America were to fully utilize the Baaken Fields, ANWAR and the Shale Oil fields in the Midwest it would see oil that will last 2041 years! This is with our current usage!

Think of all the benefits of using our own oil! JOBS. FULL EMPLOYMENT! The lowest prices for fuel EVER! We could be the provider and sell oil to THE WORLD!

Currently Saudi Arabia is PAYING OFF the Environmentalists who, in turn. are PAYING OFF LIBERAL CONGRESS MEMBERS! Obama has already amassed over an BILLION dollars he has in an OFF SHORE BANK!

Debbie Warren Comments: Maybe we can't drill because that is the collateral offered to China?  Just a thought...  Besides keeping us dependent on Middle Eastern and South American oil so they can justify a relevant interest and therefore a reason for sending our military into these historically never-ending wars...just maybe the oil is already promised or in reserve for the day that somebody sets off a massive nuclear holocaust in the Middle East.   Sadly; most of our military will be there when it happens if they keep sending more into that area.  Debbie

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