Tuesday, April 19, 2011


“Maternity Tourism” Business Booming in California
A small row of connected town houses concealed a well-organized and very profitable “maternity tourism” operation in San Gabriel, California.  Building inspectors and police officers arrived on location after receiving multiple noise complaints and reports of a lot of pregnant women coming and going.   In the kitchen of one of these homes was a row of clear bassinets holding several infants, with a woman attending to them.

Women from around the world travel to the U.S. in the final days of their pregnancy to give birth to “American” babies, some traveling from as far as China, Turkey, South Korea, and other countries to take advantage of automatic American citizenship.  There were so many women in these anchor baby motels that an exact number of people living there could not be determined. Upon interviewing these women, city social workers discovered that they had paid grand sums for the chance to deliver their babies within the borders of the United States after hearing about the opportunity to do so by companies in their home countries.  Often these “baby stay” packages arrange for doctors, insurance, and postpartum care. Some even offer a free stroller.

Recently members of Congress have questioned the constitutionality of the grant of automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. whose parents are illegal aliens and who can then sponsor their parents for permanent residency as citizens of the United States. The problem with the San Gabriel makeshift maternity ward is that most of the women were here LEGALLY possessing valid tourist visas.

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