Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Written by: Donald Hank

Would you believe genocide against homosexuals?

Would you believe genocide against homosexuals?
by Don Hank
Is there a danger that gays in Western countries may soon be exterminated by hordes of dangerous homophobes?
Pretty ridiculous question, isn’t it?
No, gays enjoy special privileges here in the West. In San Francisco they are allowed to roam the streets naked during a pride fest on Folsom Street, performing actual sex acts in public in full view of hapless onlookers, including children, unfortunate enough to stumble onto the scene. (I am not going to link to photos of this perversion but, if you want confirmation, you can Google it with the key words: folsom street gay pride or the like).

Yet many Western governments fret over the “plight” of gays, even as Christians around the globe are losing their right to witness to the healing and redeeming power of God through Jesus Christ. The agenda of these tyrants who rule us by Fabian stealth without our consent is clear to anyone with half a brain: They are eager to put an end to traditional Christian culture — in fact, any decent culture at all that includes traditional marriage, law and order.
Even as the new “democratic” governments in the Middle East slaughter their native Christians, while enjoying the wholehearted support of almost the entire Ruling Class – that oligarchy that wields increasingly dictatorial power thru the mighty media, the universities, the “education” system, and the vast majority of cadres of all professions, our own Ruling Class pretends to care deeply about the persecution of gays.
Soon after the Iraq invasion, Assyrian churches began to be burned and their congregations persecuted, murdered and scattered. Many now live in Sweden. The US government said nothing, pretending the only enemy was “terror,” not Islamist fanaticism. The Copts in Egypt are now suffering a similar fate, thanks in large part to Western collaboration. The military of the new “democratic” government supported by Obama and the leaders of Europe attacked a Coptic monastery shortly after Mubarak was toppled, shooting several monks. The Muslim Brotherhood, supported by Barack Obama, is behind the slaughter and persecution. The Western press is silent as the Sphinx.
But the media and the Oligarchy tell us that it is the gays who are persecuted and sorely need our protection. It is a lie. Gays have not suffered even a fraction of a percent of the persecution of Christians throughout the world. And yet they are the new protected class, and governments like Brazil’s are rushing to their aid as though they had all lived through a tsunami, an earthquake and a nuclear disaster.
In most countries, no one dares mention that their lifestyle causes diseases like AIDS or other STDs. No one may even lend advice and assistance to ex-gays or people with unwanted same-sex attractions. My Brazilian friend Julio Severo was forced to leave his homeland because he was working with men with unwanted same-sex attraction who were eager to overcome this and live safe, healthy, moral lives according to biblical guidelines.
He was offering them valuable assistance. Many had seen their friends die of AIDS. Many were concerned about their lives, their health and safety.
But the far-left leadership of Brazil, starting with former president Lula and now continuing with the even more-virulently anti-Christian Dilma Roussef (who is a a former terrorist involved in the murders of several people including one American), says it is illegal to help homosexuals overcome their lifestyle.
Anyone who is in this lifestyle is practically locked in it for life by law.
Anyone wishing to abandon anal sex, for reasons of safety, faith or morality, or whatever reason it may be, would be well advised to leave that country.
There is no room for decency in Brazil. It has undergone a perfect storm of ultra-Marxist evil and is locked in. The rest of the West is catching up.
And most Americans (and Europeans) are oblivious to the moral tragedy that is unfolding there.
It is time to wake up and get to know the folks we share the hemisphere with. It is time to learn a new vocabulary word: No.
Not with us. Not with my country.
Julio Severo blog site:

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