Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Environmentalists and Left Wing Bureaucrats Lied to Pass Regulations

Synopsis by Lee S. Gliddon III

Bureaucrats and Academics stopped real scientific debate and forced through new environmental regulations in California.

A trucking company that is within 2 miles of my office in Cypress, CA will likely go out of business as will many others due to these new whacked in the head regulations that are based on lies. The new regulations will also cause cement, food, gasoline, and virtually any commodity delivered by a truck to skyrocket in price.

The new regulations are based on a study given by "Dr." Hien Tran that claimed 2000 premature deaths came from diesel emissions each year in California.

I put " " around "Dr." for a reason. He received his doctorate from a diploma mill. It was discovered when a real researcher from UCLA believed Mr. Tran was making it all up and checked on his credentials. He has a phony PhD.

The whistle blower, James Enstrom, is a true PhD from UCLA. So what happened next?

The head of the California Air Resource Board, Mary Nicholes and another commissioner John Froines got Dr. Enstrom fired from his 34 year job at UCLA.

Academic honesty and real scientific need not apply in California when environmentalism is involved. The left wing will destroy those who get in their way and force an economy destroying measure with the real goal of stopping growth and increasing dependency on an authoritarian government.

The video is well worth the time... please watch it.

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