Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Democrats Refuse To Govern Responsibly

by: Lee S Gliddon Jr

Look at our Congress. Look at the White House. Look at Office holders in individual state positions. Look at them and see why America is a financial mess.

Congressional Democrats failed to enact a Federal Budget for the current fiscal year and now seek to blame Republicans for their own shortcomings. Obama continues to play golf, attend lavish parties and offer only inane attacks on Conservative groups as he ignores the responsibilities of the Office which he/she holds.
Democrats, holding State Offices, continue to support Unions who, in turn, pour millions into the coffers of Democrats who determine how much power they are to get!

Ask a Democrat Liberal Pundit a question and you will not get an answer! What you will hear is an anti-Republican rant that is well rehearsed and conforms to prescribed themes as any responsibility for anything is denied!

Read Liberal BLOGS and you will get not one word of any fact that exists. Not a single word of truth. You will read derisive comments and smears of anything such as is written here as they do not have a leg to stand on with any truthfulness.

The GAO provided a report that proves that an excess of $500 BILLION is wasted annually by our government and not one Democrat offers a single solution to rectify this waste. BILLIONS in MEDICARE FRAUD are proven yet nothing is done to punish the offenders. If you will recall statements made by Obama and members of Congress, "Partial funding of the Health Care Act will result from stopping MEDICARE FRAUD."

Defund NPR and Planned Parenthood and Democrats scream foul! Point out waste in the Department of Energy or the Department of Education and the screaming increases!

America, we must WAKE UP to facts. The Democrats are leading the march to oblivion as they take down America's economic situation brick-by-brick! Unemployment continues, inflation is being hidden and NO ONE is doing anything as Obama and Harry Reid continue to do anything that is of a positive nature to correct America's economic woes.

Lastly, we have oil...oil in abundance. With NO DRILLING OFF SHORE we have sufficient oil in the Baaken Fields and in ANWAR to last 2,000+ years! That oil existence would provide sufficient employment for ALL Americans!


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