Friday, March 4, 2011


Written by: Donald Hank

Is this Albanian  for “thanks”?
by Don Hank
I just received an article reminding that it was Albanians who killed those American military men in Frankfurt and that the US and allies had staunchly defended the Albanians in Kosovo and helped them win their “freedom”.
Years ago, when the US and allies were embroiled in the Kosovo conflict, I had the sense that we were on the wrong side, and that what was called “ethnic cleansing” was really a rather crude (ok, perhaps even botched), attempt on the part of Serbs to hold onto a territory that had been theirs from time immemorial and was full of mementos of a Serbian past, including Orthodox monasteries and churches.
I sensed that the Serbs were not exactly persecuting Albanians out of racism, as was charged by the Western media and the allied governments.

Back then I received information that corrobaborated this suspicion.
Linked below is one of many examples of how Serbs are now mistreated by Muslims, mostly Albanians, who have no historic claims whatsoever to the territory we so stupidly gave them under Clinton (warning: this is not for the faint-hearted):
This is all part of a leftist policy of eliminating Christian culture that has been ongoing since the late 1800s.
It’s time to turn this around.
The fact that Angela Merkel recently said “Multikulti” (multiculturalism) is not working and was echoed by the UK’s David Cameron and France’s Sarkozy (Italy’s Berlusconi had said this before) is clear evidence that the will to restore European culture is in place. The only thing lacking is a plan.
And maybe a culture left to save.

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